Monday, November 22, 2010


No I haven't reverted to horses and stuffed animals, Hannah has claimed my room for her own. And painted it purple.

I'm not upset about it at all.. Not even a little. It doesn't make me feel super old, or like a stage in my life has completely closed. And it definitely didn't bug me when I had to sleep on the floor at the foot of my old bed because our guest bedrooms were being used.
Ya, it kinda makes me feel all those things. And it really just put the icing on the cake when my dad told me today was the day for me to go through all my old boxes and throw things out because "we aren't storing it anymore" haha it's about time I suppose!
And I can't stay sad because today marks the start of Thanksgiving cooking :)

On a second, unrelated note: My hair is orange. Next Monday's cut and color cannot come soon enough


  1. Uhm, and why didn't you post a picture of said hair?!

  2. Haha any recently tagged photos on facebook will bear the evidence. Buuut I will probably post a picture of the NEW hair!
