Monday, April 18, 2011

Lava my life

Sooo gifted at avoiding my finals/any schoolwork by blogging. I still feel productive even though, nope, it isn't. I have been crazy busy with work etc. lately so it is nice to unwind on whomever is listening! (Creepy if you think about that too much) I hope only people I know are listening.

I am so grateful for the people in my life. I genuinely feel so blessed, even though I have been ridiculously unlucky lately. No one wants to hear me go on about how good things are so.. here is this--everything I touch breaks, rain follows me, traffic precursors me (probably that doesn't make sense), things I make taste awful... hahaha now I am just reaching because I can't remember what else happened. It has just been quite the weekend and I have had a couple of complete frustration-caused-breakdowns I am not proud of, but tonight all is well. And really, all along all was well.

I'm going to miss all my friends that are moving out! Hopefully my constantly growing collection of Anthro dishes (my new addiction) will fill the voids they leave.. but the odds are not in my favor. people>dishes

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Come on LA

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

I've mentioned this guy before, love him, can't say it enough.

Check out what he is trying to accomplish..

If you have the time it really is such a great endeavor. Below are a few highlights from the episode

  • 80% obesity rate in some LA elementary schools
  • Jamie to the parents, "You want them to have better than you, yeh?"
  • Demonstration where the leftover trimmings from the meat were placed in a centrifuge and spun till the leftovers split from the bone, then water+ammonia were added, meat was minced, and ready to be served to humans (don't have to label ammonia as an ingredient because it is a "process")
  • "Pink slime is allowed in any school, in America, by the USDA
 Fast food
  •  Deno, the owner of an LA fast food restaurant admits he would never serve the food he serves in his restaurant to his kids
  • "But that's why America is screwed" classic American milkshake
  • "I come from a country where kids drink milk, and they don't have to consume the equivalent of a candy bar when they do so" 
  • "We're doing a great show about how people don't give a *" 
Filled a bus and more with the sugar added in one week to the LA school districts meals

Sign the petition supporting this food revolution for better health prospects for children in America
(only 5,745 supporters in Utah)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Milking my Irish fixation

Did I miss something? Was it last month we celebrated Ireland? 

(This food is Irish)

I can't help it.. I'm obsessed

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My life is great. April fools, it sucks.

Haha joke I like my life a lot. But today was too much, first yesterday I broke my sweet new Ray Ban's when they fell off and I ran over them on my bike. Then the gov took 200+ out of my paycheck, then the girl who lives across the hall from me decided to tow my car. So there's another 180. She also gave me permission to park there seeing as how she doesn't have a car. She doesn't speak very good English so whatever. I promised I wouldn't blog about this but it's 12:45 and I am notorious for breaking down and being weak right around this time haha. On a happier note I had some delicious sushi and played tennis in the light of street lamps tonight. I'm lucky I know so many great people