Thursday, December 22, 2011


Since I have been back at my parent's house, I've had a generous amount of extra time to catch up on my blog-stalking, pinterest pinning, youtubing and all around internet surfing. I've lost a lot of weight from all the verbing. Not really, but I have had a lot of time to work out.. Ogden Gold's gym. They have a track where you run above the weight machines and basketball courts. I was glad it is pants at the gym season because I'm convinced a lot of the time spent lifting weights doubles for guys as time spent watching ladies run. Not the best angle, but I guess they figure that in.

But here are some internet favorites I've found this break-

New Girl Christmas episode here. I laughed, I cried, solid episode. Zooey is so great. And SNL's holiday episode is good as always.

Re-watching most of Jenna Marbles youtube videos- how to trick people into thinking you're good looking is still a personal fav. Call me a prude, but I wish I could edit her, little crass. Also shi* girls say.. It's funny, and my mom loves it.

Found some great prints-


Also added fuel to the fire of my tile obsession-

And started in on a little project involving this pattern, and a mahogany cabinet door-

Little escape from the seasonal affective disorder-
Which you will have to check out for yourself, as I can't figure out how to copy images from the website

Thanks to some direction from my sister, I've been enjoying the stylings of Elizabeth Kimberly Design 

Aaand I would post some pictures of recipes I've found, tried and love but.. Last night my friend, Andrew and I ate at the Copper Onion (great food) in SLC and I have been sick from it ever since halfway through Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (great movie). 

Excited for another Christmas dinner tonight with friends I love!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Is this real life?

I vaguely remember when all nighters were super rad, but there is nothing nigh on resembling rad about the past five hours. Nothing rad about sitting on the floor halfway in the closet of our hotel room, listening to music at 5 am trying not to wake anyone up. Me and some girlfriends are in Moab for a race that starts in about... 4 hours and I have given up on sleep finding me at all. I can't even stay mad though, life is too good when you're in Moab, I can feel it even now ;)

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Why is it that aaaall my favorite shows get cancelled? Lipstick Jungle, Perfect Couples, The Lying Game, The Playboy Club, Cougar Town

Next thing you know, Once Upon A Time is going to get cancelled. I just can't believe it hasn't happened yet ha ha.. Maybe I watch too much Hulu. Sue me.