Monday, November 22, 2010


No I haven't reverted to horses and stuffed animals, Hannah has claimed my room for her own. And painted it purple.

I'm not upset about it at all.. Not even a little. It doesn't make me feel super old, or like a stage in my life has completely closed. And it definitely didn't bug me when I had to sleep on the floor at the foot of my old bed because our guest bedrooms were being used.
Ya, it kinda makes me feel all those things. And it really just put the icing on the cake when my dad told me today was the day for me to go through all my old boxes and throw things out because "we aren't storing it anymore" haha it's about time I suppose!
And I can't stay sad because today marks the start of Thanksgiving cooking :)

On a second, unrelated note: My hair is orange. Next Monday's cut and color cannot come soon enough

Thursday, November 18, 2010

And I was worried today would bring bad news

Ring around the moon last night... (for anyone who has good taste in movies-- Practical Magic)

I made a bridal bouquet this afternoon

and some really yummy quinoa

Yeah I really did take a picture of everything I put in it haha, and I had to get the black olive can out of the trash. I just have too much energy and nowhere to put it right now.

Me and my friend Alex watched this movie, The other Boleyn girl, and it was about King Henry VIII and his mistresses. It reminded me a little of Vanity Fair in that things were soo lopsided for women. I'm no feminist but hands down between that and no tampons I'm glad I live in the 21st. You sure did know your place though, which is a good and a bad thing. A good thing in that sometimes I would love to have things spelled out for me so that I could feel the satisfaction of meeting the expectations people have for me. A bad thing in that I can't stand being told what to do or the hopeless feeling of having no control in my life. So I'd probably run away and then be in the same position I'm in right now, being responsible for making my own life. I think I would have sold those floral headpiece things at the market and fallen in love with some poor pauper. I'd probably hate the king and write political satires behind his back and teach my kids they had 10x the character and dignity he'd ever have. Kinda fun to think about.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My secret sin

I am the QUEEN of indulgence, let me paint a picture for you

(View from my apartment)
This morning I trekked to class through wet wet rain (have you ever noticed some rain and snow showers are wetter than others) went to class, took a test, then worked out thennn
took a hot shower, made some hot chocolate, lit my twisted peppermint candle and turned on Christmas music.. and here I am, in my leggings and sweater. I'm so good to myself.

Has anyone seen in the Anthropologie catalog the cool beaded scarf necklaces they have-they're on a llama so you'd probably remember- here's the link if you haven't. They're $48 dollars so I've set out to make my own, bought some great beads at Gardner Village, we'll see how it goes.
Can I please drop out of school so I can cook all day? I'd probably be better at it than I am at school.
And one more thing that's on my mind...

Christmas in New York
Mom? Ha ha

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Time of your life

BEST day
except for.. I'm getting really tired of dating, which leads me to kinda want to peace out of this town.
I have learned a lot about myself and dating from reflecting recently though, I have walked away from a LOT of really great guys that I really should have given a second chance. I've gotten tons better recently but I've been an idiot for a long time.

Jazz 109 Clippers 107
goooooooood day

Advice for all: rent Into the Wild. If you've seen it before, rent it again. Learned a lot watching the 3rd time, stayed up for 2 hours writing about it in my journal last night ha ha

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Alright, alright, alright alright alright HEY

Go cougars

So I started feeling guilty about not blogging for a bit, kinda like how it felt when I'd forget to water my crops on Farmville. For my Halloween I opted out of dance parties (as previously foreshadowed that I might) and spent the weekend up at my darling friend Becca's cabin in Current Creek. Never heard of it? That's weird, there's a whole 200 people that live there. Favorite pic of the trip?

Some of the girls
So much fun up there, and an increddddible cabin. I have great friends.

So I'm in North Ogden today at my parents because it is election day!! And my dad is running for state legislature if you didn't know.. He's amazing, way too busy for his own good but really amazing. This whole election has been super stressful and truthfully it will be nice for this part to be over.

I came across some old photos and just enjoyed them too much not to share. This one is a classic because it really represents my adolescence.

I'm pretty sure that I'm fighting nature every picture I take that doesn't look like this, just an awkward person. I'm looking through photos on my mom's computer at my parents house and every one I'm smiling and posed like this. This is freshman year of college mind you.
No, no it's 8th grade but still!

Lastly, my mom and I made the BEST squash soup last night, it was perfect. The recipe comes from this English man, Jamie Oliver who is hard at work trying to improve school lunches. Admirable.
And anyone who doesn't visit this website at least weekly is missing out. Tell me how it goes if you make the soup! Really it is worth it, and you can substitute ingredients all you want (we traded canned green chilis for red chilis because we were out) but don't get rid of the coconut milk even if you're wary.