Monday, November 8, 2010

My secret sin

I am the QUEEN of indulgence, let me paint a picture for you

(View from my apartment)
This morning I trekked to class through wet wet rain (have you ever noticed some rain and snow showers are wetter than others) went to class, took a test, then worked out thennn
took a hot shower, made some hot chocolate, lit my twisted peppermint candle and turned on Christmas music.. and here I am, in my leggings and sweater. I'm so good to myself.

Has anyone seen in the Anthropologie catalog the cool beaded scarf necklaces they have-they're on a llama so you'd probably remember- here's the link if you haven't. They're $48 dollars so I've set out to make my own, bought some great beads at Gardner Village, we'll see how it goes.
Can I please drop out of school so I can cook all day? I'd probably be better at it than I am at school.
And one more thing that's on my mind...

Christmas in New York
Mom? Ha ha


  1. I will go with you. Let's fly out the 22nd.

  2. Um, you should maybe text me on days like this. You know how I like to indulge myself. And can we bake together!? I would love to make creations with you. We'd be awesome.
