Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Bachelor

What a downer this week.
But anyway.. My vote is for Emily, cute little southern blonde with the kid
Also, are Allie and Roberto still together for real? That'd be cute
Glad Melissa, the crazy waitress is gone. She was nutso
SLC Utah well represented by Michelle or whatever, she is gorgeous and so stereotypically Utah. Barf. But you can't help but like watching her
and lastly... Vampire girl kills me

I hate that I watch this show. Hahahaha.



  1. Haha my whole apartment watches it! We love love love Emily! Also the first impression rose girl. And I don't know why but I like vampire girl, she is funny!

  2. Did you hear that Michelle cheated on her husband with Carlos Boozer? just what's going around the internets (I hate that I know that).

  3. Noooohooo way. I didn't remember her saying she had been married. That's crazy! I can't remember who got the first impression rose.
