Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring's a tease

Judging by the sounds outside and the wind rape I got walking home from the testing center, our little hiatus from winter is over for now. I am happy to say I rung as much Vitamin D as I could out of it, dusted off the bike and played outside. This morning I did some trail running up by Y mountain and had a terrifying experience. I was running back towards the parking lot but still about a mile out when I saw this man about 400 yards away, dressed in business attire and stumbling down the trail towards me. I panicked and thought through my options which were as follows: roll down a really steep cliff for a 10 minute fall, run the other way towards the canyon, or act big (bear attack?). Act big FOR SURE.. I took my i-touch out of my shorts, unplugged it and pretended like it was a phone. Then I had this conversation with myself, "Oh you're already there? Well I'll be where you are in like 10. Oh you're running towards me? I guess we will meet in like 5." I'm pretty sure he was just weird, and I am fine. But you never know! And the moral of the story should be don't run up there by yourself but I just love that trail


  1. Scary! I would have been freaked too

  2. that is crazy!! Glad you are okay!!!

  3. Ya pretty sure if I had seen ya, I would've followed you, you're just too tempting. That's why you shouldn't run by yourself, you're just too much of a tease for all those fellas, yep, even the creepers
