Thursday, July 21, 2011

Walla walla

I discovered a lot of things this week.

1. The Hunger Games series is incredibly great.
2. The music I find myself playing most frequently sounds a lot better by the coast.
3. I'm a huge fan of my little sisters, I wish I could kidnap them once a month so they aren't growing up faster than I can keep up with.
5. I've been out of school too long, as my friend Alton can attest to, when I struggled to remember how to form sentences tonight (I blame jetlag).
5. I feel creativity-stifled. I need stimulation and to be around new people, places and opinions.
6. It's a bad idea to wear a dress at an airport/on a plane. Even though they are crazy comfy.
7. I need more fresh seafood on the reg(ular).
8. I could spend a lot of good hours on Pike's Street.
9. Jack's Mannequin is great this time of night.
and 10. I have a fixation with sailboats, and also want a dog.

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