In defense of this beautiful state's politics-it is the way it is because that is the will and word of its people, and that is correct. But Utah, you're missing out. I firmly believe there is much to be gained by an increase in bipartisanship (in most all situations) but particularly and relevantly, here in Utah.
We are so blessed to carry different skills, thoughts and opinions. I feel like we aren't maximizing and benefiting from this truth when we have one party's candidate forever and ever voted 9.5 out of 10 times, every time (ha). I guess my real beef is the option to vote straight democrat or straight republican at the start of our ballots. Doesn't this do an extreme injustice to those candidates who put in long hours, money and faith into sharing their message and promoting those improvements they wish to implement? Instead we can just skip past ever even seeing their names.
Moving away from that... I am so happy we live in such a wonderful country-surrounded by people interested in doing good, and my hope is that these next 4 years bring necessary change and increased cooperation.
Crazy proud of my dad and the hard work he put in to participating in something he so believes in!
Is there a like button on this post? There is so much wisdom that comes from experience, and Daddy knows this best.