Forgive the meager photo quality, my apple crisp + sea salt caramel truffle icecream

I know, I'm as surprised as any of you that it wasn't a peanut butter/chocolate combo.
Oh my goodness was this good guys. I'm sure I don't have to explain, but you put the crumble over the icecream.. bon appetit
Guess who finally got their wisdom teeth out?? This girl!
A good look for me, I daresay. I wish I could upload videos, there is an awful one of me on the drive home from the surgery (I think I was recording one as a loyalty to my friends Jessica & McKenna who had requested it) where I am mumbling incoherently and crying hahaha. My lips are moving and sounds are coming out but they aren't really words, and I give up after a couple seconds and let the phone fall to the ground.
I'm healed up enough to cook Thanksgiving dishes thank goodness! We were in the grocery store today and this little girl kept looking at me so I asked Mom if she thought it was because I looked so fat, and she said she thought it was probably because I am so pretty. Good Mama.
Sorry about Thanksgiving, are you having some delicious sweet potatoes? They would be soft enough. Has the bruising started? That's when it gets real pretty. But you can carry some extra weight in your face and be just fine, and I mean that.