Monday, October 29, 2012

Car Problems

I have the patience of a mature 5 and a half year old. It's kind of like I just realized that other people have their own feelings and thoughts, and that an outside world exists outside my own mind.
So for this and many other reasons I am grateful that my darling boyfriend possesses strengths that I do not. We were up in Bear Lake for a Halloween party this past weekend thrown by my friend Courtney. Most of us stayed the night afterwards, but most did not have to leave after 3 hours of sleep like lucky Todd and I. I needed to be back to help with canvassing for my dad's campaign so we were off at first light.

Thanks to the turbo's malfunctioning on Todd's Audi, he has to add water to the coolant something or it overheats and affects his transmission. He was checking it before we left and accidentally dropped the cap somewhere in the engine area......... We spent about an hour looking for it, then drove down to his brother's gas station to continue looking with the help of better tools. Another hour later, with the assistance of the crew there we found it and we were off! Without heat (the wires had been affected). But then the light came on to tell us we were over-heating, again. So we had to stop about every 8-10 minutes to add river run off water to the coolant thing (?) which was pretty decently cracked by this point, to the extent that water was just rushing through. Todd has been working on his car for the past several months and must have been out of his mind frustrated at this point. I'm not the most help when it comes to things dealing with cars, I mean had it been a Japanese car-I would've been all over it, but German cars-I just don't know much (haha).

Finally we got to Logan and tried a couple different products the Auto Zone had to offer. The second one worked, a putty to jam up the hole that the water was leaking through. And 2.5 hours later we were leaving Logan. I tell this story in part because it was ridiculous, and in part because I am so impressed by some people's natural ability to be pleasant no matter the situation, take things as they come, and stay a healthy amount of grounded when they are upset.

In summation: It's fun to learn from people who have different strengths and skills than you, and also to feel appreciated for strengths you possess that they don't. :)